I typed this on Wednesday when I was enraged. It came out of an emotional reaction. I decided to sit with it for a few days before sharing. I mean and believe everything I said. I hate that abortion is even an option.
I can't keep quiet anymore. I've been in a rut lately, feeling numb. Yesterday I started feeling feelings again. But the reason is sickening.
This morning when I was leaving for work I saw an article about the New York govenor signing a bill allowing women to murder their children up until full-term pregnancy. When I read this I became immediately furious. I felt something in me that I have never felt before. I've always been pro-life I just haven't always been vocal about it because I don't need feminists to shame me. After going through the beautiful experience of pregnancy and all that it entails I am even more pissed off and disgusred by this. I heard Theo's heartbeat beat at 8 weeks and I cannot imagine aborting him because I decided he might be an inconvenience to me. It breaks my heart when I think about this new bill. I have been in tears more than once today. Tears fueled by anger, tears of complete sadness, and even more out of fear. If these people who think this is a victory which deserves celebrating, I see this as the beginning of the end. This is what happens when we let Satan in. Evil is here, in our world, right now, and it's winning.
I know pro-choicers are quick to throw the "unwanted pregnancy from rape" and "the mother's life is at risk" or "the baby isn't going to live anyway" arguments out there. I've done research on this before and what I have found is that these aren't even valid or relevant arguments. I've learned the same thing from several sources and they all say the same thing. There is a 5% chance (at most) that a woman will become pregnant from rape. Pregnancy after rape is extremely rare; when there is a legitimate rape the woman's body has the ability and physiology to shut it down and protect against conception. This is not about women's rights. It's about irresponsible people and the left's agenda to claim "pro choice" as feminism. Why do they believe science when it's related to the weather and "global warming" but chose to deny biology and science regarding human life? It's a double standard. One of many that liberals seem to hold.
Does abortion not phase you or bother you because it doesn't directly affect you? Wrong. The lady in the car next to you may have been trying to conceive for several years with no luck. The lady in front of you at the grocery store may have just suffered a miscarriage. Your sister may have given birth to a still born. Maybe your mom had to use several rounds of IVF to conceive you. And maybe, just maybe, the woman sitting across from you at the coffee shop would give anything to have a child of her own, praying for God to give her what she needs and answer her prayers, meanwhile somebody is murdering their healthy, full term, baby for no good or valid reason. It is murder, and it is disgusting.

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