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Year Three

For three years now I have been trying to figure out why people are so quick to talk about how tough marriage is, and how hard the first year is, and "oh wait until you're married and this that and the other happens." Today Matthew and I celebrate (not literally-we're old) our 3rd anniversary. In the three years we have been married, and the six months leading up to the big day, we have faced many more obstacles and challenges than you would believe. Between moving, (Matthew) starting a new job, and me being unemployed for eight months, we knocked out some of the toughest things couples go through. Of course it all came with arguments, tears, nights of sleeping separately, stress, etc., There were also a lot of laughter, love, and appreciation for each other. We weathered those storms with communication (both verbal and non verbal!) and grace, if you will.

Year one of marriage was pretty great. I was finally gainfully employed, and while that job slowly started to traumatize me, Matthew was the rock, holding me up every time I started to crumble. We had adventures, made and lost friends, spent time with both of our families doing things we love (camping!), bought a puppy we fell in love with in a matter of seconds, and continued to bond and fall even more in love with each other. I remember when we took our one night mystery trip to celebrate our first year of marriage, we had a conversation about how easy marriage was for us!

Year two brought even more challenges that could have easily torn any couple apart. On December 27th 2015 I packed clothes, minimal personal items, my dog, and my mom into my car and drove to Austin Texas where our new adventure awaited us. I left my husband behind with no idea when he would be joining me. I had a new job and a bedroom at my cousin's apartment waiting for me. After getting month one under my belt I moved into our new home, expecting the moving company with all of our stuff to arrive a day or two later. Well, that day or two turned into a week or more. All the while Matthew was back in South Dakota, living a double life (nobody except my parents knew I left!) and searching for job opportunities so he could join me and the Wrigs. I did what I could to get us settled into our new home, and eventually I was starting to believe Matthew was never going to join me in our beautiful new city. Matthew finished out our apartment lease and then lived with my parents for about six weeks. When he finally got a job offer time seemed to move even slower! On March 14(ish) he finally came home!!! I will never forget it. I was outside with Wrigley so he would know which building we were in, and when Wrigley saw him I let go of his leash and he went running. It made my heart happy that we were back together, the family of three that nobody was tearing apart!!

Year one in Austin was amazing. We had friends and family visit, we made a few friends, we explored, and we did our best to blend in as locals. I think it worked, except for that time we wore our Notre Dame gear to a UT/ND football game :) It's hard to believe we are nearing the end of year two here, with even MORE excitement. Baby boy Menely is going to make year three the best one yet. We are so in love with him already and over the moon excited.

Cheers to three years!!!



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