I never make New Year's Resolutions. Not only do I know I would never stick to them, I think they are kind of nonsense. This year, however, I am going to make a list of things I am going to do, work on, and be in the new year. 1. Kind (er). To strangers, my husband, friends, family, and most importantly, myself. I have been so hard on myself the past 7 months and I don't deserve it. I always try to be kind to the people around me, but don't always succeed for whatever reason. I will never know all of the battles and struggles others are facing, so I will do my best to be the best I can be when interacting with everyone. 2. Stay healthy. I do not ever set a new year's goal of losing weight. I think that's failure from the get go. Sure I could stand to lose some weight, but I don't NEED to. I am currently healthy as a horse (hopefully writing that doesn't jinx me) even without being supermodel skinny, having 6 pack abs, or being able to run marathons. I e...
My life with anxiety.