I have been struggling a lot lately. I have had some pretty intense emotions recently including a lot of anxiety and feeling quite depressed. I've also had some great moments of happiness and laughter. Everyday is different. My anxiety picks different battles with me each and every day and there is no way that I can prepare for that. Sometimes those battles are minor and I can brush them off with a stern "fuck you anxiety" and carry on with my day. Other times anxiety wins and I throw in the towel by noon. When that happens the rest of the day is a wash. I go through the motions, but I don't usually feel accomplished. I don't like that I have to give up my entire day to anxiety. I also don't like how my anxiety turns me into my own worst enemy. Some days it leaves me with an overwhelming feeling of not being good enough. Other days it convinces me that nobody likes me and I am intentionally left out and forgotten about. Other times I feel completely suffocated...
My life with anxiety.