I typed this on Wednesday when I was enraged. It came out of an emotional reaction. I decided to sit with it for a few days before sharing. I mean and believe everything I said. I hate that abortion is even an option. I can't keep quiet anymore. I've been in a rut lately, feeling numb. Yesterday I started feeling feelings again. But the reason is sickening. This morning when I was leaving for work I saw an article about the New York govenor signing a bill allowing women to murder their children up until full-term pregnancy. When I read this I became immediately furious. I felt something in me that I have never felt before. I've always been pro-life I just haven't always been vocal about it because I don't need feminists to shame me. After going through the beautiful experience of pregnancy and all that it entails I am even more pissed off and disgusred by this. I heard Theo's heartbeat beat at 8 weeks and I cannot imagine aborting him because I decided he...
My life with anxiety.