I have started several blog posts recently and just couldn't finish any of them. So as I'm laying poolside by myself to unwind from the weekend I'm going to try again. I've been working with a full caseload of youth who have mental health diagnosis. Something I've been working on them with is finding a safe place for them to come down from a crisis or when they become upset, overwhelmed, mad, or sad. I've also been helping them compile coping boxes and think outside of the box (no pun intended) about what they could put in it. It took me longer than it should have to realize that I am missing a safe place in my life. With my heightened anxiety and depression filling in the cracks it is something I desperately need. I've also done some self discovery and know that when I am having bad anxiety, or a panic attack, or feel so low that I don't know how I'm going to manage...all I REALLY need is to feel safe. I need to know that I am safe no matte...
My life with anxiety.