A lot of people who don't normally have anxiety probably get anxious over one thing, traveling. Whether that anxiousness if over flying, traveling alone, driving or even riding in a car, or the actual trip/destination itself. My travel anxiety is not exactly normal, but it is there. Flying has never bothered me and is actually something that I LOVE doing, and have probably done alone more often than with others. Very strange for someone with (regular) anxiety. My anxiety flares when I start to think about preparing for vacation, and what will happen when I am at my destination. It doesn't matter if I am going out of town for one night, two nights, or a week. I always want things to be planned so I know what I am doing. I don't like the whole "we will figure it out when we get there" mentality. What if we are late for something we wanted to see? What if we get lost trying to find where we are going? What if we get somewhere and it's not what we are expecting? W...
My life with anxiety.